2006-07-25: 1001 Nights cover
by Meguey
2006-07-26 02:30:14 Ben Lehman
2006-07-26 02:49:27 NinJ
Meg, I'm happy about this. I can't wait to see how it comes out.
PS I typed monkey!
PPS Aw. It didn't work.
2006-07-26 10:09:36 Harald
Promising! Will it also be available as PDF?
?? ?? Harald
2006-07-26 11:00:27 Iskander
That's gorgeous. It doesn't add to the fact that 1001 Nights is already on the 'Must. Have.' list, but it's delicious nonetheless.
2006-07-26 13:41:54 Julia
Beautiful! Can you show the cool picture that almost was the cover? I think the above is a better, cleaner choice, but I love the other one as an inside pic. OTOH, maybe folks should just buy the book once it's in print to see it. :)
2006-07-26 14:26:25 Meguey
Ben - Thanks.
NinJ - *whew!*
Harald - PDF=yes!
Iskander - Ooh, 'delicious'! I like delicious.
Juila - Yep! The 'other cover' is now inside.
2006-07-26 16:29:42 NinJ
Hm. The S issue is real. I'd move it down and left.
2006-07-26 20:56:03 Meguey
Hm. I'll try it.
2006-07-27 00:51:48 Meguey
How 'bout this? Fiddled with the S, moved some stuff around to give NightS more room, trying out "A Game of Enticing Stories"
2006-07-27 02:22:15 Ben Lehman
I like "exotic storytelling" better :-)
Although "enticing stories" is, in fact, more accurate.
2006-07-27 15:50:00 Meguey
Or "A Game of Evoctative Stories." Although I don't like that so well, I'm just glad I remembered it from last night when I thought of it.
2006-07-27 18:00:21 Julia
I like exotic storytelling much better. Or maybe even a game of storytelling. Simplicity is good...
2006-07-27 22:30:28 John Harper
Ah, typography. A cruel taskmaster.
What font is that, Meg? I wouldn't mind taking a crack at it, if you don't mind another cook in the kitchen.
2006-07-28 02:55:59 Meguey
It's calif, and sure!
2006-07-28 16:44:09 NinJ
I think this is a big step up, Meg.
2006-07-28 16:46:47 Iskander
I vote to restore "Exotic". For me, it captures the appeal of the Burton translation of the 1001 Arabian Nights, kohl-darkened eyes, djinn, talking fish, and drinking sherbet in the harem. "Evocative" is for lightweights, and although "Enticing" is a close second, it just doesn't have that scent of hot sand and cloves.
- Alexander
2006-07-28 19:25:33 Verrain
I vote for exotic as well. Very pretty cover!
2006-07-29 01:33:35 Meguey
Yeah, I like 'exotic' for the same reasons as Alexander. We'll know by noon Sunday which it will be, because that's when we go to the printers.
2006-07-29 01:59:25 Levi Kornelsen
Is there to be a PDF version available?
2006-07-29 02:30:58 Meguey
Oh yes.
2006-07-29 10:33:07 Gregor
I've to pick up a copy for me and Steve at GenCon (as Steve won't be there). See you soon.
2006-07-30 22:42:29 Harald
When will you be taking pre orders?
2006-07-31 05:01:20 John Harper
Here's my take on the typography.
Hope it's not too late to be helpful.
2006-07-31 12:38:58 Meguey
John, that is beautiful. The book is at the printers - can I consider your cover for the post-GenCon book?
2006-07-31 13:12:58 Vincent
John's take, linked.
2006-07-31 17:47:40 John Harper
Absolutely, Meg.