2006-04-25: Game Chef Final Round
by Emily
The top picks for Game Chef'06 have been released. Congrats to Mo and all the rest! The entries are:
Time Traitor by Brian Hollenbeck
The Glass Bead Game by Dan Ravipinto
Crime and Punishment by Moyra Turkington
The Opposite of People by Joe Murphy
And the entire list of entries is available here. Another great crop of games. Congratulations to everyone who took part!
2006-04-25 15:40:36 Brand Robins
I'm vastly impressed by these games. Some of them are tighter than games I've seen that were done in a year rather than a week.
2006-04-25 15:52:05 Emily
I'm really looking forward to playing Crime & Punishment, and find the Glass Bead game intriguing.
2006-04-25 16:30:15 Mo
Yay! Thank you!
I'm so excited. :)
Please let me know if and when you do. I can't wait to hear how other people experience the game.
2006-04-25 20:36:25 James
Mo, I was seriously impressed by C&P. It's a very tight game. I would be playing it by now if procedural drama didn't make my teeth hurt. :)
(I'm replying here, because I'm at work, and while I can read 1km1kt, I can't login and post without remembering my password)
I would suggest keeping the focus on procedural crime drama... while you probably could expand out to cover the related genres, you would need to open up the 'style' of the game as well, and it would feel less like a beautiful machine to me. Right now it needs very little work to make Gencon and be a solid, moving product, and there's only three months (ish) to get it done - I speak from experience when I say "do not underestimate the amount of work moving from 'finished game' to 'published game' involves."
Take your cue from Breaking the Ice (and dare I say Death's Door): Do one very focused thing, and do it very well. Give people a couple pages in the back of the book that shows them other directions they can take it, but start with that single focus.
2006-05-01 17:00:25 Emily
Congrats to Mo on taking 1st place!!! The 2005 IGC winners were announced today:
1. Crime and Punishment by Moyra Turkington
2. Liquid Crystal by Ashok Desai
3. Time Traitor by Brian Hollenbeck
and also:
Merryweather by Kevin Allen
Congrats to all!
2006-05-02 19:54:03 Meguey
Yay, Mo! I'm grinning like mad, 'cause you'll be at GenCon - with your new game!!!!!
2006-05-02 21:15:59 Mo
The bad news is that while C+P should still be seeing you, you're not actually going to be seeing me. :(
My career got a little complicated (but good) this week, and in the course of things, our Gencon plans have had to be dismantled. Which is a bummer, because I had just managed to get really really hyped about it!
2006-05-03 03:00:40 Emily
Ain't that the way of it... Darn it, why'd you have to be so lucky? : ) We'll miss seeing you, but you better believe we'll peddle (and play) your game!
ps what about DexCon (July 17th or so) will you be gone then?
2006-05-15 14:58:06 Emily
IGC made the Diana Jones short list.