the Fairgame Archive

2005-11-13: Dream travellin'
by Meguey

Last night I dreamed I was part of a mystical archeological team, working to restore or preserve some ancient ritual statues in the center of a rocky plain. It was great, fun, interesting and meaningful work. Lots of people named Matt where there, including Matt Schlotte, Matt Snyder, and Matt Wilson. Lots of other people were there too. As I was working high up on one of the stone carvings, reapplying a deep and brilliant blue pigment, I looked around at the plain. The sun was setting, and the light was thick and golden. I saw scrubby trees and a watering hole with silhouetted animals drinking. I scanned the horizon, just being glad to be there amidst all this beauty, when I saw a cityscape on the eastern edge, the windows glinting in the light. Hey, what's that white building with the shell bits? Hey, that's the Sydney Opera House! I'm in AUSTRALIA!!!

First time I've ever dreamed being in another country. It was fun.

2005-11-13 07:12:50 MDS

Well color me honored showing up in a first of a dream type.

I'd never thought much about what nation my dreams happen in, but I do know I have had dreams set in Africa (mostly zombie dreams for some reasons) and when I was young Europe on rare occassion.

Anyways, congratulations on making it to Australia. Sounds like a blast.

2005-11-14 17:01:09 Matt Snyder

Can't say I've ever been there either. Thanks for the trip.

G'day, Matt

(Ok, enough with the bad lines ... )

2005-11-15 21:58:00 Matt Wilson

I think this dream was your subconscious mind suggesting an excellent name for the baby...

2005-11-17 11:40:10 Meguey

Then what about the next night, where I read a card with five women's names on it, all of whom are Beth Something, like Beth Keller and Beth Corkum, niether of whom I've seen (or really thought of even) in 10-12 years.

And the night before last, I had a dream I had a conversation with Booker T Washington. Wish I could remember what we talked about.

2005-11-24 05:38:21 IMAGinES

I saw a cityscape on the eastern edge, the windows glinting in the light. Hey, what's that white building with the shell bits? Hey, that's the Sydney Opera House!

Damn it, all the interesting stuff happens in Sydney after my wife and I leave!

Grumble bloody mumble dreamscapes...

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